50% 40% 10%
The Serbia Competitive Agriculture Project (SCAP) is a project of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management and the World Bank
Applicants submit an Application for Determining the Right to Use Grants to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management - Directorate for Agrarian Payments (Team for Implementation of the Competitive Agriculture Project of Serbia). After the administrative processing of the received applications, the Final ranking list with information on scoring and the place on the points list is published. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management issues Decisions on granting the right to use grants to applicants who meet the administrative and other set criteria.
With the received Decision on granting the right to use grants, the applicant goes to the selected commercial bank to receive a letter of intent on the bank's readiness for lending. The loan is approved in the amount of 40% of the value of the investment. Note: The Commercial Bank has the right to decide positively or negatively on your request for a letter of intent.
With the letter of intent, the applicant submits a completed business plan to the Directorate for Agrarian Payments (Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management) / Project Implementation Team. In addition to the letter of intent, the applicant submits the required documentation to complete the case and can start the last phase described in Step 4.
Grant agreement
The last step is the project approval process and the signing of the Contract. Upon approval, the applicant and the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management sign the Grant Agreement. A dedicated account will be opened in the selected commercial bank, to which a grant will be paid in the amount of 50% of the total value of the investment in question, to which the commercial bank has already paid 40% from the loan and the applicant 10%.

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management in cooperation with the World Bank in 2021 presents a new financing model, known as 50:40:10, to strengthen micro, small and medium agricultural producers and enterprises, and improve agricultural production and competitiveness through the Project competitive agriculture of Serbia. The mentioned project is actually a part of a new approach in agriculture and will provide support to agricultural producers, small and medium enterprises, who want to learn, improve and develop their capacities and transfer knowledge from agricultural to entrepreneurial approach with agricultural resources. The project will also provide support to agricultural development institutions in the Republic of Serbia by working on capacity building and helping them reduce costs through the use of ITC technology, sustainable access to the environment and effective results, and connecting farmers with banks and the market. The project of competitive agriculture in Serbia is being implemented in the period from 2021 to 2024.


- Obrazac za trijažu ekoloških i socioloških standarda (ess) - Opis ESMP sa pratećim obrascima (Plan upravljanja ekološkim i sociološkim pitanjima.
Pre finalne isplate odabranog izvođača, uz izveštaj nadzora, predaje se i izveštaj o sprovođenju ESMP-a. Finalna uplata se ne može izvršiti pre nego što se izveštaj o sprovođenju ESMP-a ne odobri.
Nakon odobrenja, ESMP postaje sastavni deo Ugovora između Korisnika i odabranog izvođača građevinskih radova, izvođač se Ugovorom obavezuje da će sprovoditi sve ES standarde Svetske banke, uključujući i zaštitu i bezbednost na radu.
Dovoljno je priložiti jedan dokaz o lokalnoj objavi, može da bude i oglasna tabla u opštini,a ukoliko je potrebno obaveštenje od Projektnog tima prema jedinici lokalne samouprave/molba, možemo to da obezbedimo.
Plan mora da sadrži jasne informacije o tome kako će korisnik da obezbedi, primeni, nadzire i izveštava o sprovođenju ekoloških i društvenih standarda Svetske banke.
Hiring workers who are hired through grants / projects will be based on the principle of equal opportunities and fairness treatment and there will be no discrimination in the relationship with any aspect of the employment relationship. The grant beneficiary has an obligation to provide appropriate protection and assistance measures addressing the vulnerability of project workers, including certain groups of workers, such as are women, persons with disabilities, or migrant workers. Each grant beneficiary he can decide for himself when he will engage and there are no obstacles to also hires migrant workers if during their engagement and work in fully applies the Labor Law Republic of Serbia.

REOI SER SCAP IC CS 24 100 Application Solutions Administrator:produzetak roka .docx

TOR Application Solutions Administrator.docx

REOI SER SCAP IC CS 24 101 Business Reporting Analyst:produzetak roka.docx

TOR Business Reporting Analyst.docx

REOI SER SCAP IC CS 24 98 ICT Project Implementation Consultant:produzetak roka.docx